Supreme Australian Horse Vit and Min Supreme Vit & Min for horses

In feeding Supreme Australian Horse Vit & Min, you can have peace of mind that your horse is receiving excellent nutrition every day no matter what the nutritional content of your hay.

Best fed alongside lower cost plain feeds like beets, chaffs, oats and barley.

Part of a very successful feeding regime which feeds the whole horse thereby eliminating the need for targeted (hoof, coat, digestive, and often joint) products.

Suitable for recreational, breeding, racing and performance horses.

(Alison Higgins whose top horse ‘Omar’ was fed the NZ equivalent of Supreme Vit & Min, won the 2010 NZ National 160k Endurance after a gallop finish, qualifying for the WEG in Kentucky where he was pronounced ‘metabolically perfect’ at the start of the last lap, finishing 26th overall despite an unfortunate mid-race incident that cost her over 30mins.) 

To purchase product in Australia please contact

Vicky Hansen :


Features of Supreme Vit & Min:

  • Boron: essential for the proper metabolism of calcium, phosphorous and magnesium and therefore the maintenance of healthy bones. Boron is easily leached from soils especially in high rainfall regions.
  • Calcium & Phosphorous
  • All the major anti-oxidants: Vitamins A,C, E & Selenium
  • 100% organic selenium: has a much higher threshold for toxicity than inorganic selenates.
  • Small dose of 100% organic iron: Horses usually obtain sufficient iron in their diet because they are constantly nibbling around on the dirt while they graze. However for horses on a more hay/less grass feeding regime then this may not be the case.
    Forage Analysis for Hay fed to a head-flicking horse on zero grass only had an iron content of 28mgs/kg.
    The inclusion of organic iron caters for the hay fed horse whilst not posing a problem for grass fed horses. The organic iron has benefits for horses in intense work too as some iron is actually lost in sweat.
  • Zero potassium which is always oversupplied in the equine diet from forages
  • Zero copper sulphate. Instead contains 100% organic copper for help with calcium absorption and the development of true coat colour.
  • 100% organic zinc for hundreds of bodily functions including immune system and hoof/hair health.
  • 100% organic chromium which is vital for the metabolism of glucose.
  • Some sodium chloride. The need for salt varies from horse to horse. Plain salt will need to be added to feed according to individual requirements. See ‘Feeding Salt’.
  • Iodine: When you feed Supreme Vit & Min there is no need to use iodised salt, just plain sodium chloride which is easier to obtain in bulk for horses.
  • All B Vitamins. Many supplements contain only some or only one! Each B vitamin has a different nutritional role, they are all equally important.
  • Inositol: An important B Vitamin known to have a calming effect on the nervous system. Inositol is a vital component of all cell membranes so is necessary for nerve, brain and muscle function. It is vital for hair growth.
    Deficiency of inositol will cause hair loss, eczma, high cholesterol, digestive and eye problems.

A Word on Balancing Nutrition

There is a school of thought that maintains you can balance your horse’s nutrition by analysing everything they are eating and only supplementing those elements shown to be deficient.

Unfortunately the only scenario in which this would be possible is the one where the horse is stabled or yarded 24/7with absolutely zero access to grass and is fed hay from the same source all year round.

If there is any pasture grass in your horse’s diet then it is an impossible task because the nutrient content of pasture grass changes significantly with the seasons, the weather, after any fertiliser has been applied, or after manure has been harrowed.

Even if you had your pasture analysed this only tells you the nutrient content on that day with those weather conditions at that time of the year. It could be quite different next week especially over times of extreme weather, not uncommon in Australia. You would need to continually reformulate your custom blend accordingly.

The figures used by people to represent the nutrients supplied from the pasture grass are sometimes estimated from a photo (how accurate is that going to be?) or else from a ‘snapshot’ analysis of one day of the year.

Each batch of hay is different too so you would have to change your custom blend every time you changed hay.

"Hi there,
My daughter Jess’s horses have been on Supreme Vit & Min, Shipshape and SOS for the last 18 months and she absolutely swears by them.

She has now taken her FEI horse over to the UK where she is working and training.

Her horse arrived in such good condition after 30 days quarantine and the very long flight. WE bagged up his feed for quarantine and kept him on half dose of the SOS and Supreme and are absolutely convinced this is what kept him in such good shape.

When he arrived off the truck in the UK you would have thought he had just walked out of the stable here at home!
The 2 photos without a rider were taken when he had just arrived".

Kind regards
Janet Shaw

Pricing & Ordering

4kg Bag AUD $81.50 inc GST + P&P
Great for those who have 1 horse

Bag AUD $145.00 inc GST + P&P
(Contains 2 x 4kg) Great for those who have multiple horses or for splitting a bag between 2 people

16kg Bag AUD $267.30 inc GST + P&P

To order - Please email Vicky

Maintenance Dose:  15 gms per 100kgs Body-Weight (eg: 75gms (1.5 scoops) for a 500 kg horse.
To replenish a deficient or less than healthy horse:
20 gms per 100kgs Body-Weight.  For fussy horses start with a fraction of the dose.

Why do we include Vitamins in Calm Healthy Horses formulas?

Vicky Hansen and Shrek

Vitamins are just as important as minerals and interact with other nutrients to perform thousands of essential life processes.

A vitamin is an organic substance, present in minute amounts in natural food, that is essential to normal metabolism; Basically, your body needs vitamins in order to work properly, and it needs different vitamins to help perform specific activities like produce energy, protect cells from damage, guide mineral utilization, and regulate cell and tissue growth. If your horse doesn’t get enough of the vitamins it needs, it can lead to deficiencies and disease.

Take one example: Vitamin E which is abundant in fresh, green grass which many people cannot feed their horses enough of because they become grass-affected in some way, not to mention obese and laminitic. Since hay is not a great source of Vitamin E and it is not synthesized by the horse it is therefore an essential component of your Vitamin & Mineral supplement in order to maintain cell membrane integrity and maintain proper function of the reproductive, muscular, nervous, circulatory, and immune systems.

Lack of Vitamin E will cause muscle degeneration especially in foals, young horses, lactating mares and horses in intense work.
Similarly with Vitamin A which keeps tissues and skin healthy , which if deficient will cause problems with eyesight
Vitamins are either Fat soluble or water soluble

Fat-soluble vitamins are stored in the fat tissues of our bodies, as well as the liver. Fat-soluble vitamins are easier to store than water-soluble ones, and can stay in the body as reserves for days, some of them for months.
Vitamins A, D, E and K are fat-soluble and are absorbed through the intestinal tract with the help of fats.

Water-soluble vitamins do not get stored in the body for long - they soon get passed out urine and therefore need to be replaced more often than fat-soluble ones.
Vitamins C and all the B vitamins are water-soluble.

Whilst minerals like calcium, magnesium, copper and zinc have a shelf life of years, Vitamins do tend to degrade but only very slowly and since our Premium NZ Horse Minerals & Supreme Vit & Min (for Australian horses) are made fresh every month and are well packaged and stored your horse will get all the benefits.
Premium and Supreme contain ALL the Vitamins including ALL the B Vitamins, even Inositol (Vitamin B8)
Inositol benefits your horse in a number of ways: transporting fat, aiding the neurons in your central nervous system to make sure everything is running smoothly, and promoting strong, healthy hair and hooves.

Same horse before starting on Supreme Vit & Min ...
and After

'Very happy with the results we have had so far after experimenting with a coupleKate Roots of horses on Supreme Vit & Min. We have a hot TB that is just getting quieter all the time and our more experienced horses just seem to have this new power that comes from nowhere! All in all the couple of horses we have used are just more consistent with their behaviour and now we no longer have that excuse of "it's just not his day".
Thanks to Jenny and Vicky at Calm Healthy Horses for this wonderful product and I look forward to trying more horses with it. Especially excited to try the Alleviate and XtraCal! '

Ben Blay & Kate Roots.
ACK Equestrian

Ben Blay


*The information and material on the Calm Healthy Horses website is of a general educational nature only.
It is not intended to be used as a substitute for professional advice as it is not necessarily complete,
up to date or applicable to you personally.
Calm, Healthy Horses (including Jenny Paterson, B.Sc Calm Healthy Horses NZ Ltd, and Vicky Hansen Calm Healthy Horses Australia) does not accept liability for any injury, loss, damage or expenses incurred
by use of any of the Calm Healthy Horses Product range or from reliance on any information either given verbally
or derived from this website.


Should your order either not arrive, or arrive damaged, please contact us by e-mail immediately so we can contact the courier company and replace product at our discretion.
Refunds will only be given on unopened product returned in original condition accompanied by proof of purchase (Your receipt). No cash refunds.
The Calm Healthy Horses range of products have been formulated to be used as supplements not ‘medicines’. However, if you have bought a product to fix a particular problem and you are still having trouble it is even more important to contact us by e-mail so we can discuss your feeding programme, (free of charge) to achieve your desired result. Our success rate is very high.